
C: Share    Y: 2018

Share is a social start up from Berlin. For every purchase a consumer makes, the company is giving away an equivalent product to a person in need.
The central element of the design is a split into two equal parts – a translation of their buy one give one principle.

With their product portfolio growing fast, they’ve gone through a few rebranding phases. In this round, one of our main insights was, that a product first of all needs to work within it’s product category. So we made sure that the brand elements, which hold everything together, are working well. We redefined the logo and the fonts. Then we set rules for the different product categories. The hygiene products for example are visually set in a more luxurious environment, with their delicate textures and muted colours representing the ingredients. Whereas the food products with their bright and joyfull colour palette, organic shapes and floating ingredients, illustrated by Dom Okah are set in a more fresh and organic world.

Team: Dirk Heider, Dom Okah, Marc Wilson, Anja Kiesau